




生于1986年 现工作生活于西安


一念:王超的水墨行动 南京艺术学院美术馆 南京 2016

转捩:王超个人项目 OCAT西安馆 西安 2017

世界尽头与冷酷仙境 banana art space 南京 2017

疏明 量子画廊 上海 2019


时区—当代高校青年教师的实验与探索 南京艺术学院美术馆 南京 2013

生长——2013上海青年美术大展 中华艺术宫 上海 2013

物自体 南京艺术学院美术馆 南京 2015

常青藤计划2015.中国青年艺术家年展 今日美术馆 北京 2015

InterYouth 国际青年绘画展 中国美术学院美术馆 杭州 2016

城市地理:一场关于西安历史的想象 OCAT西安馆 西安 2018

城市地理:一场关于城市历史的想象 OCAT安仁展区 成都 2018


Born in 1986,working and living in XI’AN,CHINA.

Solo Exhibition:

In a breath : Wang Chao's exhibition, Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing, 2016

Transition: Wang Chao’s exhibition, OCAT XI’AN , Xi’an 2017

The end of the Worid and Hard-Boiled Wonderland. Banana Art Space. Nanjing . 2017

Unveiled Bright . Quantum Gallery . ShangHai . 2019

Partial Group Exhibition:

Time zone –Creation and Exploration of Contemporary Young College Teachers, Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing 2013

Growing - 2013 Shanghai Youth Biennial, China Arts Museum, Shanghai 2013

IVY ART 2015:Chinese young artists' exhibition, Today Art Museum, Beijing 2015

Inter-Youth International painting Exhibition, China Academy of Art Museum, Hangzhou 2016

Mapping the City:A Vision of History and Xi’an . OCAT Xi’an . 2018

Mapping the City:A Vision of History and City . OCAT Anren Exhibition Site . 2018


Representative works